Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Zero Coupon Bond Price Calculation Of Zero Coupon Bond And 2 Yr Annuity?

Calculation of zero coupon bond and 2 yr annuity? - zero coupon bond price

Two $ 1000 even years zero coupon bond today for a price of
$ 819.00. Pension of $ 1,000 for two years, is currently priced at
$ 1712.52. If you invest $ 50,000 in one of two
Securities, who buy most? Tip: Calculate the performance of each


Insurance Pickle.com said...

Zero Coupon 10.498% and the average is 11%.

Insurance Pickle.com said...

Zero Coupon 10.498% and the average is 11%.

Insurance Pickle.com said...

Zero Coupon 10.498% and the average is 11%.

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